Music, Drama, Art | Secondary | Sharjah English School, UAE


Creative arts, encompassing visual arts, music and drama have a profound impact on education at SES. They are not just extracurricular activities but powerful educational tools that foster creativity, self-expression, and holistic development.

Watch our video Interview with Kaia and Vardaan after the performance of School of Rock - The Musical.


At SES, it is recognised that students who receive multiple years of high-quality instrumental teaching and who play or sing in a band, orchestra or choir, can often benefit from improved all-around academic achievement and that this is an ideal way to have students learn more holistically in school. Music, therefore, has an important role to play in the enrichment programme at SES.

Music is a unique subject in that it is both a rigorous academic curriculum subject and a practical one that requires the development of motor skills and awareness of and cooperation with others.

It is also a subject that taps into our emotions, perhaps more than any other, giving young people an opportunity to process and express their inner feelings. Students at SES don’t have to be studying music as an academic subject to enjoy our wide range of music ECAs. 

We have a wonderful team of specialist instrumental teachers and vocal coaches, all of whom are very experienced and leaders in their field. We are constantly challenging our students and pushing them to reach the next step on the ladder of success. Building confidence through performance is encouraged. These opportunities range from large-scale concerts such whole school musicals, international day concerts as well as other pop up concerts in and out of school.

We believe that excellence means achieving to the very best of one’s ability, whether that is a distinction in a Grade 8 music exam, an outstanding performance or recording, or just improving upon a single aspect of one’s playing between one lesson and the next.


Drama is much more than just an academic subject at Sharjah English School. It provides students with the opportunity to experience life from different points of view. As Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.”

One of the most important elements of Drama is allowing students of all ages and abilities to develop their confidence as well as performance skills.

In being encouraged to explore their own feelings and to find meaning in a wide variety of subject matter and stimulus materials at all key stages, students learn to have a voice, explore their own beliefs and understand other perspectives.

As part of the curriculum, students are regularly given the opportunity and the motivation to investigate and offer reasons about moral and ethical issues. Their investigative study of characters and themes require them to develop empathy, extend their understanding of different circumstances, rights and choices of others.

We wrestle with the most compelling issues of our time. Therefore, we foster curiosity, invention, bravery, and humour: we risk and learn from failure and vulnerability in order to build lifelong habits of innovation and revelation. This allows them to go onto further education as well-rounded individuals with a better understanding of the world around them.

We offer a variety of opportunities to delve into the world of Drama and Theatre through clubs, productions and trips which open up students’ minds even more to the world and the opportunities available to them.

Another key element of Drama is collaboration. Student groups are alternated regularly to ensure all students work together regardless of age, race, religion, background or gender, building their teamwork and cooperative skills and ability to problem-solve with others. Students are taught to respect and support each other as part of their success criteria.

We offer a variety of opportunities to delve into the world of Drama and Theatre through clubs, productions and trips which open up students’ minds even more to the world and the opportunities available to them.


Imagination, experimentation and risk-taking are at the core of the art and design curriculum at Sharjah English School. As a thriving department with two full time staff, we have two large, well-lit, fully equipped specialist art rooms where all the pupils have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of media and techniques, including printing, textiles, relief, mixed media, three dimensional and sculptural forms as well as drawing and painting.

Taking inspiration from the natural and man-made world students learn to engage creatively with the world around them. Through a wide range of projects they learn to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which these were made.

Students are encouraged to explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences to help them to communicate ideas and meanings. They work with traditional and new media throughout the Key Stages, which helps them to develop their confidence, imagination and most importantly their creativity. They learn how to research and present their work, how to experiment with, and use, a wide variety of materials and how to practise and perfect their technical skills. Pupils develop an appreciation of art, craft and design, and its role in the creative and cultural industries that will enrich their lives.