Who We Are | About Us | Sharjah English School, UAE


A not for profit school fuelled by a drive for high standards, quality enrichment and a strong sense of community. Your child's success is our priority.

Welcome to Sharjah English School, one of the oldest not for profit schools in the UAE. Established in 1974 we are celebrating our 50th year with pride about our past and excitement about what lies ahead - ‘Rich in History, Future Focused’ neatly encapsulates who we are.

Building upon the great success of our original Primary school that began in 1974 and the advent of Secondary in 2005 we now look forward to a new school vision - ‘To be a world class school, embracing the dynamism of the UAE’. Through the medium of an ambitious 5 year strategic plan our school is taking active steps to prepare our students for an ever changing educational and global landscape under 3 main pillars - Our Place in the World, Aspirational Education and Strengthening Our Future.

Whilst academic achievement and our long history of successful, worldwide higher education outcomes is important to us we also believe in a powerful sense of belonging. Our new values - Be Curious, Be Courageous, Be You - clearly represent and guide us on our journey and our relatively small 3-18 school of approximately 1000 students benefits from a small community magic that is difficult to replicate.


Our not for profit status means that all income is reinvested back into the school. This factor is a recurring reason amongst parents when describing their motivation to choose our school.

Darren Coulson


A long history of high academic standards, a broad and challenging curriculum at all ages and a breadth of enrichment activity has also led to SES being a school of choice in Sharjah and beyond for decades.

We are also accredited as an outstanding British School Overseas (BSO) across all 7 standards and are amongst the highest rated British curriculum schools in Sharjah. SPEA (Sharjah Private Education Authority) our school regulators have designated us as a Beacon school and as members of COBIS (Council of British International Schools) and BSME (British Schools of the Middle East we are part of organisations of excellent schools enabling outreach and recognition on a local and global scale.

Accolades and accreditations are important but it is young people that will always be our number one priority. Please come and visit our school to see how we live our values every day and feel the wonderful atmosphere that has been created over a long and illustrious past. You will be made to feel very welcome.

Darren Coulson, Principal

Group of pupils in PE kit outside


Sharjah English School is proud to be recognized for its commitment to providing a high-quality British education. We are accredited by both the Department for Education (DfE) in England as a British School Overseas (BSO) and the Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) under the UAE Ministry of Education (MoE).

Additionally, we are active members of the British Schools of the Middle East (BSME) and the Council for British International Schools (COBIS), fostering valuable connections and professional development opportunities for both our staff and students. You can find reports from our recent inspections and accreditation visits on this page.